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Finding Joy at Home with Megan Morton

It’s not just a bathtub – it’s a self-hug

Revelling in the art of bathing, The English Tapware Company has commissioned Megan Morton to create a beautiful bathroom exhibition in the window of our Sydney showroom. The first installation by Megan post-isolation lockdown, this bright and uplifting display dedicates itself to the Renaissance Woman Pursuits; cups of tea, old Italian vinyl records and penguin classic books. The playful exhibit is elevated by gorgeous seasonal colours and also features a hand cut and collaged book screen by revered artist Simon Leah.
Our Sydney showroom is located at 170 Queen Street, Woollahra and Megan’s window will be on display from May through August 2020.

The installation also celebrates the versatile and timeless forms found within The Water Monopoly Paris and Rockwell collections. 


We had the pleasure of sitting down with illustrious stylist and author Megan Morton to gain insight into her magical world of storytelling. 

The internationally celebrated styling wizard and founder of The School has been transforming interior spaces for many years and offered some invaluable fail-safe tips for creating beautiful spaces at home.


We often feel inclined to recreate interiors we see in magazines or online, but in order to truly create meaningful spaces, Megan suggests repurposing personalised objects.

“If you can think of all the things in your home that bring you joy or trigger special memories, it’s then a fail-safe room.

“All the room has to do is make you happy and if you can put things in there and plant them in what I call my sight line – if I plant in all the lovely things I want to see every day, then I can look past my kids’ stuff on the floor, I can look past anything that is unsightly or unrenovated…because I have planted these lovely memories.”

“I think that whether it’s bathrooms, kitchens or bedrooms, it works for every single room.”


Using colour at home can be an easy way to both personalise and add interest to a space.

“I think colour is one of those ingredients we know to be magical and transformative, but it actually scientifically really is. If you’ve ever had a red kitchen, you’ll be hungry for days. If you’ve ever had a deep blue bedroom, your sleep will improve.”

If full absorption colour isn’t really your thing, Megan recommends using it sparingly with whites and browns to defuse it.

“I like to use colour in what I call the highlights. I very much love neutrals, and brown to me is as neutral as white. But I will use teal blue or lemon yellow or Hermes orange, or what I like to call Facebook Blue, that beautiful Klein bright blue, school uniform blue in with whites and browns to make it pop.

“My eyes can really appreciate going into a room and seeing a spot of it and then getting to the next spot. I feel like that’s the best way for me to use colour responsibly.”


With a world that is constantly changing around us, it has become more important than ever to feel happy and at ease in our domestic environments. The ritual of bathing at home has become a growing obsession, as we relish reconstructing much needed spa days in the comfort of our own spaces.

After installing a bathtub in her bedroom two years ago, Megan celebrates this ritual of bathing mindfully at home, identifying the bathroom (or bedroom in this case) as a “sacred space”. 

“It’s been one of the greatest things I’ve done in my home. Because unlike all other home improvements we do, it’s purely just for me.”

With the inclusion of a record player in her bathroom/bedroom sanctuary, Megan has mastered the ability to rejoice in life’s simplest pleasures.

“I feel like baths are going to be the new frontier; it’s going to be the new wish list. You know, before it was everyone wanted a double Belfast sink and now, we all want beautiful bathtubs.

“I really do think there will be a return to that beautiful, big tub - it’s not just a bathtub –it’s a self-hug.”

The Paris Bath with Bun Feet

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